New Year's Resolution
Posted on 6th January 2020 at 11:50
Get it done! (This time for real)!
I remember a time when I used to be at the beginning of my singing career (I never thought I had to do that as well, by the way) and I would sing, but when it came to a note that was out of my comfort zone, I used to shrink. I had the voice, I had the emotion, I had the knowledge but I also had a limitation. One day, after frustrating session, one of my colleagues lost his patience and screamed at me: do what the Americans do… just go for it do!!! (excuse my language) So I did. His words still ring in my ears when I develop a tendency to shrink.
It is disempowering isn’t it? Getting yet another year slipping by without achieving what you have promised to yourself. Do you remember when last year you have chosen your Resolution, planned the points, started with so much enthusiasm… and it only lasted a month, or two… for some of us even only a few weeks, or… days…
Why? Because a plan without an implementation is just a hope. Very much like dreaming without taking action is just a wish.
I love Tony Robbins because he always gets me into gear. His words ‘The cure of all is taking a MASSIVE ACTION’ has been my mantra for months now. So, write the plan, get inspired, feel great with your commitment… and take ACTION.
Here's how it goes
Commit to only one resolution, like you really mean it. Just one. Having one target increases your precision chance to hit it.
See your result, imagine yourself as if you have achieved your New Year's Resolution. See yourself at the end of the 2020 already done it and:
Engage with the feeling good power of your result… how great it feels… how empowering it is to be that person that does all those amazing things… and it does come down to YOU!
If you get some challenges on the way, it is OK. We all do. But keep the image of YOU as if you have already achieved your Resolution. A year on from now you see who you are, what you are doing, how much better the quality of your life is and what are the brilliant, fantastic results you are enjoying and feel proud of.
Just go for it…
Bilyana x
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