In Perspective
Posted on 11th May 2020 at 12:18
In time of writing, Lock Down restrictions have been slightly relaxed but not significantly so to resume pre-quarantine normality. There is an air of restlessness around the world with some of the European countries experiencing social unrest and even street protests against the necessary measures.
However, when things begin to feel out of our control it is good to get that reality check in place and really view the situation for what it is and not through the prism of stress, uncertainty and fear.
Lock down in England began on 22 of March with the estimation that will last three months on average. Last night the Prime Minister has announced a plan that will bring the country out of the restrictions by 1st of July. Although still uncertain, by observing what has happened in the world and how other countries have dealt with the pandemic up to now, this plan sounds viable and realistic.
There is no question that in this very moment many families suffer extremely traumatic heartache and all of us are subjected to uncertainty and insecurity about the future. Seeing life In Perspective is the thing that keeps reality in check. It will not take the heartache away, nothing can do that. But it will help us appreciate more the country we live in, the society and culture that we have created and are part of, our families and friends, neighbours and colleagues, nature and life… ultimately helping us realize the better part we could play in the bigger picture.
I have always been an advocate of practising Gratitude and I am practising that daily as there is nothing more wonderful that can open my eyes to appreciation, admiration and anticipation of what is good, great and beautiful in Nature, Life and the World. Big words, I know, and the reason they are big is because there is always a bigger picture that makes more sense than the individual images of life in our mind. And this is so much valid for the Anxiety, Stress and Mood disorders. They harbour the individual, negative, scattered images of Life in our own minds. They are also definitely the damaging images of Life in our own minds. By changing the scenario, we change what we are experiencing.
Every Wednesday from 1st May until 1st July 2020 via Zoom Virtual Group Workshop I am teaching one strategy, idea or concept that can help you manage and resolve Anxiety!
Wednesday 13 May 2020 at 5pm until 6pm I am teaching how to turn around the What If… concept in your mind and make it work for you in a better, healthier and more adequate way. The following week the topic is In Perspective – see the bigger picture of your life.
The Virtual Group Workshops are conducted via Zoom and you can register by emailing
Oh, did I forget to say they are absolutely FREE!
Bilyana x
Tagged as: Virtual Workshop
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