Introduction to the psychological and behavioural strategies of the Hypno-Primal Weight Loss Concept 
1. Exploring the psychological triggers behind Excess Weight and Obesity 
2. Exploring the eating behaviours as consequence of past experiences and as a symptom of unresolved issues. 
3. Outlining the Needs-Emotions-Behaviour communication in alignment with the human evolutionary make-up. 
4. Creating and mapping your own, unique ‘Journey to My True Self’ by using guided imagery and visualisation. 
5. Free Zoom Post-Workshop Session with Bilyana to enhance the teachings of the workshop on individual level to be booked in mutually convenient time within a week of completing the workshop. 

Virtual Gastric Band (VGB) 

The pain-free, non-surgical Virtual Gastric Band procedure is performed through a hypnotic induction without any discomfort. Pioneered by many renowned hypnotherapy experts this treatment aims at balancing the food intake, uncover and deal with the psychological reasons behind the unhealthy relationship with food, reorganize the eating habits by preventing excess overeating and increase physical activity and emotional wellbeing. 

What this treatment can do for you 

Frees you from psychological triggers generating overeating behaviours 
Gives you effortless strategies to let go of past false beliefs about your weight 
Liberates you from diet restrictions, constant limitations and senseless eating 
Gives you the chance to gain control over your body weight once and for all 
Improve your relationship with food and presenting you with healthy eating behaviours 
Finding ways to increase physical movements throughout your day with an awareness of the most suitable type of exercise for you 
Healthy and gradual transformation into the body that you deserve 
Raise your vitality, your passion, your excitement and joy of life 
This treatment is custom designed to suit your individuality and needs. It includes an Assessment consultation and five consecutive hypnotherapy sessions. 
On session three you get an absolutely FREE, custom-designed recording especially tailored for you to help you achieve the outcome you desire. 
You also get a FREE Handbook (PDF format) with useful ideas for maintaining your new lifestyle accomplishment. 
One COMPLIMENTARY post-treatment session to consolidate the change that you have achieved, setting you on your way to the exciting new YOU in a way you never thought imaginable. 

Hypno–Primal Weight Management Program (HPW) 

The Mission 

This therapy helps restore the mind-body connection and create a strong two-way functional path that supports the healthy relationship between yourself, your food choices and the way you use your body. Harmony, co-operation and balance are enhanced and the individual experiences the wholeness of oneself. 

What you get out of this program 

The concept is to get back to the origins of how nature intended us to function. You achieve this by using your genetic memory stored in the body and the resourcefulness of your subconscious mind. Hypnosis is used as a shortcut to access the core of our prehistoric brain and particularly the part that has been related to how our body is functioning in relation to food and exercise. 
The program is designed for people that desire to achieve weight control through healthy eating choices and physical exercise. It is beneficial to people have lost the weight and would like to maintain their weight in a natural, healthy way. 

The Benefits 

Developing passion for change 
Making the right food choices and enjoying your decisions 
Engaging in physical exercise you actually love 
Gaining freedom from past misconceptions 
Gaining self-worth 
Generating unstoppable determination and optimism 
The treatment comprises of one Assessment Consultation and four consecutive hypnotherapy session. 
On session three you get an absolutely FREE, custom-designed recording especially tailored for you to help you achieve the outcome you desire. 
You also get a FREE Handbook (PDF format) with useful ideas for maintaining your new lifestyle accomplishment. 
One COMPLIMENTARY post-treatment session to consolidate the change that you have achieved and help you enhance and enjoy this positive transformation. 
To find out more about my Weight Management counselling service in Scarborough and throughout North Yorkshire, please don't hesitate to get in touch 
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